Hot Chocolate
  ... take me back... to the HomePage!
                                      ︎ ︎ ︎        

This screen recording is all that remains of my old website

I didn’t keep the URL so as of March 2022 it is no longer live. :-( was a response to being told to make art during the Covid-19 pandemic. All of my social interaction and learning was happening digitally. Thus I began to map my online presence.

I grew up online largely. The internet is a place of nostalgia, embarrasment, and performance. It’s quite horrible to have every thought you had as a teenager coming into your own documented, publicized and archived forever, and I was reflecting on how I had tried to escape that. 

This click-to-play visual novel documented the parts of the internet I was most largely interacting with and collaged them together, using myself as a central character. It became a kind of virtual maze which included 35 pages, each with anywhere from 2 to 9 links connecting the pages, to form a click-to-play visual novel. Also included 2 videos and 6 end pages where you received a congratulations and were sent back to the homepage to replay and find another ending.